employees connecting in group

Build Employee Connection

with these 6 strategies


Download the 6 Strategies for Building Employee Connection

You'll be able to help employees build connection and community more effectively when you leverage these 6 strategies.

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    Employee loneliness may be costing you more than you realize.

    According to a study by Cigna, 6 out of 10 American workers are lonely … and each lonely employee costs their employer $4,200 a year in missed days of work. That doesn’t even take into consideration the costs of increased disengagement and turnover.

    Fortunately, helping your employees build positive relationships in the workplace doesn’t have to be hard. The Free “6 Essential Strategies for Building Connection” Worksheet gives a quick overview of how to make sure your efforts to build connection and community have the most impact possible.

    Get ready to improve employee engagement, retention, satisfaction … and your bottom line.