People rarely talk about loneliness because there’s a stigma. But putting words to the experience can help you—and others—feel less alone. This post describes how loneliness FEELS.
Read MoreThis blog is all about building positive relationships with other people—but it’s equally important to have a good relationship with yourself. After all, you are who you spend the most time with!
Read MorePeople who hold onto grudges are more likely to experience severe depression, heart disease, and other health problems. Here’s how to let go…
Read MoreIf you’ve ever felt socially anxious, awkward, or like your emotional state gets in the way of connecting, this post is for you.
Read MoreSocial media has changed the way we connect, but is it for the better, or worse? Well, it depends…
Read MoreWith rates of depression and anxiety continuing to rise, we need to look at creative solutions to help address mental health needs. This post highlights one such solution … the friendship bench movement.
When we think about strengthening connection, we usually think about spending time with other people, but time alone can improve the quality of our relationships … and productivity.
Read MoreMost people long for a BFF, but you don’t have to wait to find one. What if you gave yourself the kindness and compassion you crave from others?
Read MoreHow often do you feel underappreciated? Other people do too! Expressing your gratitude and appreciation for someone is a powerful way to build connection, and it only takes a minute.
Read MoreConnecting with nature is something we can do on our own. And experiences of awe--often inspired by nature--increase feelings of connectedness to others and to humanity more broadly.
Read MoreWith so many terrible things in the news, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and pessimistic about the state of the world. Engaging in social action—even micro-action—can help.
Read MoreEven though we KNOW that social media posts are curated, we still make ourselves miserable by comparing our insides to other people’s outsides.
Read MoreThere is evidence that empathy is on the decline, which has frightening personal and global consequences. But you can take steps to build your empathy muscle.
Read MorePeople often set goals that are overly ambitious, then fizzle out. Starting small, with mini-goals, will give you early success that you can build on. This strategy can be applied to any of your goals, including building stronger connection.
Read MoreIn order to achieve a sense of belonging and connection, we don’t just need to BE loved, we need to FEEL loved. That means learning to let in the kindness, care, and positivity we receive.
Read MoreCompleting this 10-minute writing exercise has been shown to improve mood, increase empathy and connection, and boost motivation to follow-through on the things you care about.
Read MorePeople love this simple activity. Most of us crave validation, because—let’s face it—we’re all a bit malnourished in that area. Unfortunately, the typical responses to venting can make matters worse…
Read MoreIf you find it difficult to ask for help, you’re not alone! But being independent is overrated—we all need support. These are some ways to ask for help and strengthen your support system.
Read MoreRosy ideals and unrealistic expectations about friendship often make us feel bad about ourselves when reality doesn’t match up. Here are some ideas for addressing the expectation gap.
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